Don’t Come for the Salsa
Montana is majestic. It’s called the Treasure State for god’s sake. Well, that could be about mining or something - someone check in on that - but it is a national treasure! And in contrast to the Nicholas Cage epoch, Montana does not require that one steal historical documents and douse them in lemon juice to discover the state’s secrets. Instead, all you really need to do is look outside, and BOOM! secret revealed. Spoiler - it’s effing beautiful out here!
Are you seeing this???
We’ve been here nearly 3 weeks already making our way through Bozeman, Phillipsburg, Missoula (yes - I looked up the zillow listings for Missoula. Let a lady dream about a mountain summer home in peace!) Flathead Valley, Polebridge, and Glacier National Park. I’m in love with Montana…in the summer. You’d be trying to get through a very different post right now, I imagine, if there were more than 1 day of snow in the slide show.
But back to the summer vibezzz…let’s talk highlights.
Floating the Madison River in Bozeman with our homies Saya and Anson!
Craft brews from Philipsburg Brewing in the adorbs town of Philipsburg!
Notorious P.I.G. BBQ and bike rides through Missoula
Endless lake days in the Flathead Valley
The most inexplicably, unfathomably, indescribably DELICIOUS turkey, brie and huckleberry jam panini from the Polebridge Mercantile.
Hiking and backpacking throughout Glacier NP! (duh)
Here’s the thing though. Montana has terrible salsa. Terrible! I have tried three different salsas in our grocery store runs - one of them was allegedly produced in California, I thought that was a safe bet, but No! The so-called “salsa” that these poor people are consuming can only be described as a sort of marinara sauce with a lime twist. Oregano was literally one of the ingredients listed on one of these jars. I didn’t know I needed to look at the ingredients list on salsa jars!
So come to Montana for the breathtaking mountains. Come see the clearest water I’ve ever seen anywhere. Come to witness wilderness on a scale that can be matched by only the most untouched places on earth.
But here’s your call to action. Come to Montana to bring these unknowing, friendly westerners Some Actual Salsa!! I’ve promised them that it’s gonna take the elk tacos to the next level.